The remaining 15 credit hours would need to be completed with the home college. The program is extremely flexible because it allows service members to continue their educations through changes in duty stations, deployments and transitions to the civilian sector.
Completing your education through your service is very much possible. For more assistance, contact your installation education center or SOC.
More from Military Times. Sign up for our Rebootcamp Newsletter Get all the best info from Rebootcamp in your inbox! For more newsletters click here. Transitioning out of the service? Thanks for signing up. Where can I find education help at my installation?
More Rebootcamp News load more. More Vet All Stars load more. Best For Vets: Employers You can receive 20 promotion points for achieving commandant's list status and 40 promotion points for achieving Distinguished Honor Graduate of the Distinguished Leadership Graduate.
These must be verified on the DA Form Promotion points are received for academic excellence in ALC. You could receive these promotion points even if the course was a mandatory requirement for your MOS. You can be awarded 40 promotion points for completion of Ranger, Special Forces , or Sapper courses, but you must complete all phases of the courses to earn these points.
You can earn a maximum of 80 points for promotion to SGT and 90 for promotion to SSG via computer-based nonresident training. You must have completed the entire course. You don't get points for training that is duplicated with both a resident course and a correspondence or computer-based course. These are subject to further revision and you should consult the current regulation for any modifications.
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